
Campus Connections

Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State | 주한미국대사관
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기3 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


글로벌 경제의 확산으로 사업과 고용이 국경을 초월하기 시작함에 따라 해외유학을 통해 젊은이들은 미래에 보다 효과적으로 대비할 수도 있다 . 20 년 전과 비교하면 오늘날 해외 유학생의 숫자는 거의 두 배에 육박한다 . 「캠퍼스 커넥션」에서는 해외유학 경험과 그러한 경험이 개인의 성장에 미치는 영향을 살펴본다.
A globalized economy makes business and employment spill across national boundaries, so an education abroad is likely to make a young person better prepared for the world’s future. Almost double the numbers of students travel abroad for an education today as compared with 20 years ago. Campus Connections examines the international study experience and its influence on individual growth.


Becoming A Cultural Broker
My Daughter Has Blossomed
A Family of International Students
Six Years in Sweden
Here I Am, A Young Tree
Hope AND Friendship Take Over
Superheroes Arise From A Life in Two Nations
Writing FOR Tolerance
Chuck Norris AND The Search to Find Myself
My Journey to Harvard
The Case FOR International Education
Passport to Success
Just The Facts
The Basics on U.S. Visas
Social Networks AND Study Abroad
NEW Requirements at U.S. Borders
Get Ready, Here You Go
Resource Guide

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